
Originally from Charleston, SC, Sean attended Princeton University where he received a BSE in Civil Engineering.  After working for many years in San Francisco and abroad as a computer programmer, e-commerce strategy consultant, and Linux systems administrator, he enrolled in a doctoral program in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University to learn how to apply his IT skills to the types of problems that first intrigued him in his undergraduate studies. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship in applied machine learning at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and  subsequently worked as a Program Officer in the Special Initiatives team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. After completing a contracted term as the Interim CEO of the Waste to Resource Fund, a UK charity that promotes pro-poor, sustainable solid waste management and green energy in secondary cities in Asia, Sean accepted a job as a Data Solutions Specialist in the office of the Mayor of the City of Seattle. He completed his work for the City of Seattle near the end of a mayoral term and now works for Intuit as a Staff Data Scientist.

For more detailed information about Sean's background, please view his LinkedIn profile